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A/V Revolution


Upcoming Events

Date Location Event Ticket
24/08/2019 Centraf' Tropic Rue Jacquet Droz 18, 2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland Takeshi Mohammed // ConSensus & Dr Koul // Rap&HipHop
23/08/2019 L'Ecurie Rue de Montbrillant 14 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Consensus in Geneva w/ Mans1, Dj lil Georges and Dr Koul
07/07/2019 The Birds Nest, Depford, London Consensus Showcase at Higher Learning
06/07/2019 Drapers Bar QMUL, London Consensus Supporting Kioko live at Queen Mary // Love Music Hate Racism

Latest News

Rapper Consensus ‘Original Conscience’ Decoded: Breakdown of the Album Cosmology, Astronomy, Particle Physics and Lyrics

Consensus the ‘CERN Rapper’ is back again! This time his latest album ‘Original Conscience’   creatively uses rap to educate GCSE, A-level students, and the public about astronomy, particle...

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Rapper Consensus, CERN and Engagements with Particle Physics Rap Album ConCERNed

Consensus and his 2017 album ConCERNed bridges the gap between music and particle physics and has been covered in the media on , BBC World Service, London Live Television,...

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Rapper Consensus on Radio Interviews and Links

 El Niño Malo – Midweek Mixup – 28 – Con sensus | Itch FM The Blatantly Blunt Show With Guests Carpetface & Consensus (02/06/2017) | Pyro Radio Consensus on...

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